Concrete Additives

Durable Concrete

Durable Concrete
  • Concrete with very low W/C
  • High rise, long distance challenging pumping situations.
  • Stringent durability parameters.
  • PSD technology of Alccofine Series 1200 helps in refined pore structure of concrete, improves durability and concrete rheology.

Precast / High Early Strength

Precast / High Early Strength
  • High early strength concrete.
  • Faster mould rotation and speedy production.
  • Helpful in eliminating / reducing steam curing process..
  • Alccofine Series 1200 offers right solution for pre-stressed or post tensioned concrete elements.

Self-Compacting Concrete

Self-Compacting Concrete
  • Architectural smooth finishes.
  • Reduced labour dependency.
  • Faster execution of the job.
  • Dual action technology of Alccofine Series 1200 helps in achieving good quality SCC without compromising other parameters..

Shot Crete / Guniting

Shot Crete / Guniting
  • To place concrete without shuttering.
  • Low rebound loss and high early strength.
  • PPD technology of Alccofine Series 1200 helps impart cohesiveness in the mix and improves strength gain at early as well as later durations.
To know more about the above products please send us an email at or call us +91 7030935351 and we will get back to you soon